Knight Election Hub

Votebeat Expert Desk

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About our organization:

Votebeat’s mission is to encourage higher voter participation and preserve the legitimacy of elections by providing truthful, objective journalism at the local level, where all elections are carried out and where the dearth of quality information is most acute.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

Votebeat’s Expert Desk will assemble up to 15 volunteer election experts — former officials, tech experts, election law scholars — into a Slack channel starting October 14. These experts will be on hand to answer reporters’ quick-turnaround questions during the fast-moving election environment.

Votebeat editorial director Jessica Huseman will participate as the moderator and also serve as an expert on the desk, connecting participating newsrooms with relevant experts and resources, and guiding newsrooms on thorny communications issues related to the election process. 

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: