Knight Election Hub

Media Guide on Covering Elections and Voting

The Elections Group

About our organization:

The Elections Group helps election professionals collaborate and develop best practices. The experts on our team have all worked in elections offices, so we know first-hand the challenges faced by election officials. We use our real-world experience to help election officials solve those challenges.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

“Covering Elections and Voting in 2024” by Pam Fessler, a communications advisor for The Elections Group and former National Public Radio correspondent, is a comprehensive resource for journalists covering U.S. elections and the voting process. The guide:

  • emphasizes the pivotal role of accurate, informed journalism in sustaining democracy and public trust in the elections process
  • outlines variability in election laws and practices across states and localities
  • underlines the challenges reporters face in navigating misinformation, legal changes, and the logistical aspects of election coverage.

What you should know: The Elections Group and Pam Fessler are available to host conversations and training sessions on these topics.

More information: 

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: