Knight Election Hub

Stylebot election coverage best practices chatbot

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About our organization:

Stylebot helps journalists develop best practices and workflows to meet the demands of multiplatform publishing and improve trust with their audiences.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

Stylebot election coverage best practices chatbot

Stylebot, Modifier at Resolve Philly, and Trusting News can give your newsroom research-backed guidance on election coverage, helping you make decisions on everything from ethical framing for stories to combating misinformation to writing about poll results. Stylebot is a modern style guide that integrates into your newsroom's existing workflow, and we're partnering with Modifier and Trusting News this year to add election-related guidelines, making it easier for newsrooms of all sizes to improve election coverage with research-backed best practices.

After you sign up, everyone on your team can access this operational advice instantly on Slack, Teams or Google Chrome.

More information: 

What does Stylebot look like in action? Here's a short demo video.

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: