Knight Election Hub

Trusting News webinar series: 5 strategies for useful, trusted election coverage

Trusting News

About our organization:

Trusting News inspires and empowers journalists to evolve their practices in order to actively earn trust. We use research-backed, newsroom-tested strategies to support journalists in building a better relationship with the people they aim to serve.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

Trusting News webinar series: 5 strategies for useful, trusted election coverage

Many people are overwhelmed by election news and would love to tune it out altogether.

We know journalists are feeling overwhelmed too, and are often strapped for resources as they work to cover what feels like a constant influx of breaking news.

But if we as journalists want our coverage to aid in civil discourse and civic engagement, we need journalists to commit to producing coverage that’s seen as fair and even-handed by news seekers across the political spectrum — and for people who are not engaged at all.

In this training series, Trusting News is focusing on quick, actionable steps journalists can actually DO ahead of the 2024 election to help coverage feel credible and accessible to a larger audience.

Here’s what you can expect: Each session, we’ll spend 45 minutes focusing on how journalists can take action. We’ll include perspectives from partner journalists and show examples of how they’ve implemented these strategies in their own newsrooms. Then we invite you to stick around for another 15 minutes if you have questions or want help brainstorming. 

More information: 

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