Knight Election Hub

Nota AI tools for newsrooms

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About our organization:

Nota is dedicated to empowering newsrooms with cutting-edge AI tools that focus on enhancing journalistic integrity, efficiency and engagement. We provide technology that enhances the capabilities of journalists and newsrooms to deliver accurate and effective storytelling.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

Nota’s suite of AI tools offers comprehensive solutions for journalists and newsrooms focused on election coverage. Each tool is designed to enhance different aspects of journalistic work, from content creation to optimization to distribution.

  • SUM (Summarization Tool): SUM automatically generates concise, accurate summaries of lengthy election reports and articles, providing quick, digestible updates during the fast-paced election cycle.
  • BRIEF (Automated Briefing Tool): BRIEF creates detailed, data-driven briefs on candidates, ballot measures and electoral trends, providing journalists with comprehensive background material to enhance the depth of election coverage.
  • VID PRO (Video Production Tool): VID PRO facilitates the easy creation of high-quality video content such as candidate interviews and visual data presentations, engaging a broader audience through dynamic video content on social media platforms.
  • IMAGE (Automated Imaging Tool): IMAGE generates eye-catching images and infographics that illustrate election statistics and voting data, enhancing articles and social posts visually to make complex information more accessible and shareable.
  • LETTER (Newsletter Tool): LETTER streamlines newsletter creation with automatic layout design and content integration, facilitating frequent communication with timely and relevant election updates to subscribers.
  • SOCIAL (Social Media Management Tool): SOCIAL helps in crafting optimized social media content across multiple platforms, increasing the visibility of election coverage to reach a wide and diverse audience.
  • TONE BUILDER (Tone Customization Tool): TONE BUILDER allows editors to set and maintain a consistent tone across all election-related content, ensuring that all published content upholds the newsroom’s credibility and journalistic integrity during sensitive electoral discussions.

What you should know:

This suite of tools is available at an 80% discount to newsrooms with a gross annual revenue under $250,000. Our form will help you apply for access.

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: