Knight Election Hub

MuckRock expert consulting on FOIA or document-display projects

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About our organization:

MuckRock supports transparency in government and journalism, through tools like DocumentCloud and our public records request service, MuckRock Requests. 

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

MuckRock offers focused consulting services. We can work with up to five newsrooms on either an intensive public records project, or a large-scale document-display project designed to share a document collection with their readership. Potential records request projects could involve many aspects of election coverage: voting machine security, gauging impacts of disinformation, cybersecurity intrusions and responses, threats and violence in the run up to voting day.

We'll work with you to develop a training for your staff, and support you in filling and following up on the actual records requests, with a full featured MuckRock / DocumentCloud pro account and up to five hours of coaching and support to help you make the most of the relevant public records laws, whether local, state or federal.

Alternatively, if you are working on an investigative deep dive or reporting that includes a large collection of documents, and need support analyzing or publishing the documents, we can craft a training to help your newsroom get the most out of the tool and pair you with a DocumentCloud developer to design a strategic plan to publish the documents. 

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: