Knight Election Hub

Swing State Data Training


About our organization:

OpenSecrets is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. As a nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit organization, our mission is to track the flow of money in American politics and provide data and analysis to strengthen democracy.

How we can help you cover the 2024 elections:

OpenSecrets Swing State Data Training

We provide training sessions for journalists that will help you uncover the financial influences at play in your state. Gain hands-on experience with OpenSecrets’ experts on these powerful tools and more:

  • Donor Lookup: Access millions of state and federal contributions, with detailed donor patterns since the 1980s.
  • Lobbying Lookup: Search clients, companies, lobbying firms, industries, issues, and individual lobbyists.
  • Get Local: Explore searchable profiles of major political contributors in each state with detailed campaign histories, visualized through our “money maps.”
  • Ballot Measures Tool: Track spending, top donors and networks of influence on all sides of a ballot measure.
  • Foreign Lobby Watch: Investigate foreign agents and financial influence at all political levels.
  • Dark Money Research: Learn techniques to uncover hidden political spending.

Our training sessions are recorded and sent to participants for ongoing reference and review. Attendees will also gain access to the OpenSecrets Journalist Help Desk, which provides exclusive access to our expert analysts for personalized assistance on reporting and data after the training.

What you should know: These trainings are organized by state. Multiple newsrooms from a state can attend. Preferred states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

More information: 

Have questions about using this resource? Here’s where to reach out: